Useful websites
Recommended shopping sites
In partnership with Harpenden Racqueteers - members can obtain a 10% discount on products. Enter the discount code found on the members page.
Recommended coaching videos and information
Very clear and well reasoned advice and information prepared by Mike Hopley - a level 2 coach.
Based in Lilleshall Hall, Newport, coach Paul Stewart offers coaching weekends, on-line videos, and live video calls with members.
Lee Jay Bok - former Korean international player and coach offers a comprehensive YouTube channel
Greg and Jenny Mairs (England international players) provide insights.
Rasmus Tran, Thomas Laybourn and other Danish professional badminton players and coaches offer advice through YouTube
Free access to this library is available to club members. Many of the videos are available from other badminton channels, but this library pulls together some of the most useful. Enter the access code found on the members page.
Training videos
Level doubles
Mixed doubles